Everything Old Is New Again

Medicine from China, Japan, India and other Asian cultures dates back nearly 3,000 years. In fact, Eastern medicine includes some of the oldest healthcare practices still in widespread use. In the U.S., these ancient all-natural programs have become an increasingly popular substitute for contemporary Western pharmaceutical treatments. Surprisingly, nearly half of all American hospitals currently have alternative medicine divisions. All Eastern medicine techniques share the same philosophy: That the body can heal itself when its energy -- chi or qi in Chinese -- is positive, clean, circulating and balanced.


In this Chinese practice, thin, sharp needles painlessly puncture points along the body's energy pathways, called meridians. This procedure is believed to stimulate blood flow and release chemicals that counteract many chronic ailments such as arthritis, sprains, headaches, back pain and even toothaches. Similarly, acupressure uses firm finger pressure instead of needles. Both treatments, which typically last about 30 minutes, effectively and efficiently create a natural energy flow to restore balance.


For thousands of years, people have extracted aromatic healing oils from plants. Aromatherapy uses a combination of these natural essential oils to manage physical and psychological problems. For example, basil oil alleviates pain, chamomile oil reduces stress, and eucalyptus oil boosts the immune system. Lavender oil has been so effective in relieving anxiety that doctors believe it may be a safe alternative to often-debilitating prescription antidepressants!

The oils can be applied topically, diffused and inhaled, or ingested in teas. Until recently, scientists believed the oil's curative properties entered the lungs and were then fed into the bloodstream. However, the latest studies suggest that the nose sends signals directly to the brain, which induces healing.


Reiki is a Japanese healing method in which a practitioner provides healthy, positive energy to a patient through touch. This transfer triggers a restorative process in the body and mind that can reduce stress and promote emotional and physical balance. The gentle process -- during which many people feel a tingling sensation -- can be an effective treatment for all ages and doesn't interfere with other ongoing medical therapies.  Although Reiki is a spiritual practice, no special belief or religious affiliation is required. The procedure is simply meant to promote inner peace and harmony. Results are often immediate, though repeat treatments are sometimes needed.


According to Eastern medicine, medical issues first develop when the chi and its energy fields are damaged. Pranic healing, from India, modifies this energy without the use of drugs, devices or, incredibly, any physical contact. Using bare hands above an affected area, the healer "sweeps" away the unhealthy energy. Once the area is cleared, the practitioner directs positive replacement energy there to treat the issue. By influencing and balancing energy patterns, Pranic healers can improve a patient's physical, mental and behavioral issues.

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