
The best kinds of exercise get your entire body involved in a sustained activity. Playing tennis can keep you physically and mentally active for hours. To minimize the risk of injury from overexertion, try to compete against someone with a similar skill level. Even if you aren't a superstar on the court, just chasing the ball offers plenty of health benefits.

Due to the unpredictability and variability of the game, tennis involves a full range of upper-and-lower-body movements. It also provides a solid cardio workout. Playing regularly improves aerobic fitness, lowers body fat and reduces the risk of heart disease.

As a weight-loss solution, tennis can help you shed more than a pound a week from just a few hours of court time. There are mental benefits too. Split-second decisions required on the court strengthen connections in the brain. These neural pathways help improve motor skills and memory.

The sport also helps older players maintain bone density, muscle strength and agility. Ideally, the social aspect of tennis also relieves stress and anxiety. Just don't try to jump the net unless you're sure of your stride!

* Singles or doubles, there's nothing like a game of tennis to blast the fat.
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